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7 Ways to Afford AAU Basketball for your Child

If you are considering AAU basketball for your child I am sure you are looking at the price tag and wondering, how can I afford AAU basketball? There are many options for parents to afford AAU basketball. First, some teams are actually free of charge if they are funded. But if not, some of the most popular ways to afford AAU basketball are simple local fundraisers and scholarships from local businesses.

Both of my sons played AAU basketball for several years and I asked that question often! I certainly wasn’t rich but I found simple strategies through the year to make it work.

AAU basketball can be expensive but it can also be affordable with the right planning. Both of my sons played AAU basketball for several years. During this time, we found simple strategies to afford AAU basketball. If you are considering AAU basketball for your child I am sure you are looking at the price tag and wondering, how can I afford AAU basketball? In this article I will discuss XXXX ideas to help you afford AAU basketball for your child.

1. Budgeting and Planning

First, interview several teams to determine how much they are charging per month and determine if there are any other associated fees. Sometimes teams will include AAU fees in the monthly cost. Determine how often they travel because this can be your most expensive and unpredictable part of the budget especially if the family is also traveling.

2. Seek Financial Assistance

Many AAU basketball programs offer financial assistance or scholarships to talented players who demonstrate financial need. Reach out to the program organizers or local community organizations to inquire about available options. Additionally, some charitable foundations may provide grants for youth sports participation.

3. Fundraising Campaigns

Organize fundraising events or campaigns to offset the costs of AAU basketball. Consider hosting bake sales, car washes, or crowdfunding initiatives. Engage family members, friends, and local businesses in supporting your child’s athletic endeavors. Remember, every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference.

4. Equipment Savings

Equipment costs can add up quickly, but there are ways to save money without compromising quality. Look for gently used basketball shoes, apparel, and gear at secondhand sports stores or online marketplaces. Prioritize essential items like quality basketball shoes to ensure your child’s comfort and safety on the court.

5. Team Sponsorship

I talked about this in the beginning of the article. Some teams are well established but others are not. Either way you can still explore opportunities for team sponsorship from local businesses or community organizations. Businesses may be willing to sponsor AAU teams or individuals. This was very popular for my team. Simply ask a business to sponsor your child. It may even be a tax write-off for them.

Some businesses will donate money to sponsor the team in exchange for advertising exposure on uniforms, banners, or promotional materials. Approach potential sponsors with a well-prepared proposal highlighting the benefits of supporting youth athletics.

6. Off Season Work and Savings

Encourage your child to take on part-time work or participate in seasonal jobs during the off-season to contribute towards AAU basketball expenses. Saving a portion of their earnings can help cover registration fees or travel costs. This not only teaches valuable financial skills but also instills a sense of responsibility and commitment.

7. Financial Aid and Payment Plans

Inquire about available financial aid options or flexible payment plans offered by AAU basketball programs. Some programs may allow families to spread out the cost of participation over several months, making it more manageable. Be proactive in discussing payment arrangements with program administrators to find a solution that works for your budget.


There are ways to afford AAU basketball for your child if it is a right fit for them. Simply implement these strategies and be resourceful. Doing so, you can make AAU basketball participation a reality for your child without breaking the bank. Remember, the benefits of sports involvement extend far beyond the court, enriching your child’s life with valuable lessons in teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. With careful planning and determination, you can provide your child with a rewarding AAU basketball experience that they will cherish for years to come.