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Can You Dribble With Two Hands Before A Layup?

U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet” by U.S. Forest Service (source)/ CC0 1.0

One common question that is often asked is whether you can dribble the ball with two hands before a layup. The simple answer to this question is no, but there is an exception. In this article, I will break down the rules to explain when a player can and can’t dribble the ball with two hands before a layup. 

Ok, this is a difficult question and quite honestly the answer is that it really depends on the type of layup and how the player starts his dribble. But before I start talking about the circumstances I am going to explain the official rules related to dribbling. Giving you this information up front will help you better understand and determine when you can and can’t dribble with two hands before a layup.

What Does The Rule Book Say About Dribbling With Two Hands?

The rules of basketball related to dribbling are simple yet complex. The rules specifically state a player can’t have two hands on the ball during the act of dribbling. This is called a double dribble and it’s a violation. A double dribble can also be called when a player stops and then starts dribbling again but that one isn’t so important for today’s article.

Now comes the confusing part. The rule book doesn’t prohibit a player from BEGINNING their dribble with two hands. So technically, if the player is near the basket and initiates his dribble using two hands (with only one dribble) just before the layup then this is a valid move in basketball. 

“The rule book doesn’t prohibit a player from beginning their dribble with two hands.”

United States Women's National Basketball
United States Women’s National Basketball by U.S. Department of Defense is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

The Power Dribble:

In fact, using two hands to pound the ball onto the hardwood is very common and it’s called the “POWER DRIBBLE”. The power dribble is used predominantly by post players just before they perform a quick move to the basket to shoot a layup. So one way to answer this question is that players CAN dribble the ball with two hands before a layup while executing a POWER DRIBBLE.

This is the only time you would dribble with two hands before a layup. It’s important to know that any consecutive dribbles must be with one hand only. 

Why Would A Player Want To Dribble With Two Hands Before A Layup?:

Now that we know a power dribble makes it legal to dribble the ball with two hands before a layup, let’s talk about layups and what would make a player want to dribble the ball with two hands before attempting a layup.  

There are several different ways to score in the game of basketball. The layup is just one scoring technique and I should mention there are a bunch of different types of layups. For the purpose of this article I want you to think about the player who is dribbling towards the basket. Can this player use both hands simultaneously to dribble the basketball before picking the ball up for a layup? Absolutely not!

Layups can be a difficult shot to master. Why? Because most layups require the player to run while dribbling.  There is a lot of coordination that is required and a lot is going on. It may be tempting for a beginner to dribble the ball with two hands as he or she is approaching the basket. Dribbling with two hands may make them feel more comfortable–but it is a violation. 

Players must be able to maintain control of the basketball once they begin dribbling and they must only touch the ball with one hand at a time. Players can transition the ball from one hand to the other but they can’t touch the ball with two hands simultaneously. If they do, it’s a double dribble.

Why Is It A Bad Idea To Dribble The Ball With Two Hands Before A Layup:

There are normally good reasons for all rules in life and the double dribble rule is no different. Even if players were allowed to dribble the ball with two hands before executing a layup I would not encourage it. 

Controlling the basketball with one hand allows the offensive player to protect the ball by using the angles of his or her body and frees up the other hand to act as a shield. Plus dribbling with one hand helps the player be more agile.

How To Avoid Dribbling With Two Hands Before A Layup?

Practice makes perfect! There are many drills online and Youtube that can help you become a master dribbler and more effective at making layups. Create a routine and practice. Focus on using one hand at a time to dribble.

Key Facts To Remember:

  • A power dribble is typically executed by a player forcibly bouncing the ball on the hardwood with two hands.
  • A player can’t dribble the ball with two hands.
  • There are no rules that prohibit a player from starting the dribble with two hands.
  • A player must stop dribbling once he or she touches the ball with two hands.


In today’s article we learned that most people would probably claim that players are not allowed to dribble the ball with two hands before a layup. After breaking down the rules it is evident that players can execute a power dribble with two hands just before scoring with a layup. Power dribbles are typically employed at or near the basketball so only one dribble is required. And since the rule book doesn’t specifically prohibit using two hands to start the dribble then you are good to go. We also learned that traditional layups require speed and are often initiated several feet or further from the basket. This will require the player to initiate their dribble further away and use two hands to dribble before the layup is considered a double dribble.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is it legal to use consecutive power dribbles? No, it is not legal to use consecutive power dribbles. A power dribble is only authorized one time only. The player must shoot, pass or lose the ball before executing another power dribble.