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Common Types of Defense (in Basketball)?

photo of women playing basketball
Photo by Joel De Leon on

What are the common types of team defense in basketball?

Defense wins games! Defensive strategy is important in basketball. There are two common types of defense in basketball. They are man to man and zone defense. Both of them have the same goal and that is to keep the opposing team from scoring.

As a coach my primary focus most of the time was defense. Most teams will decide which offense to run based on which type of defense is being implemented by the opposing team. In this article I will break down the two most common defenses used in basketball. Plus as a little bonus I will also talk about the third most common defense known as the “junk defense”

What is Defense?

Before jumping into the individual types of defense I want to talk about what defense is in basketball. Most people enjoy watching a basketball game because they want to see the action when their team has the ball. People love watching their favorite player pop a crisp three pointer or execute a nasty dunk on their opponent. Defense is equally important in basketball. A well executed defensive strategy can really make a game interesting and winnable.

Each player on a basketball team will need to know how to play defense. They need to understand defensive concepts. It is a critical role no matter which position you play. Below I break down some basketball lexicon that you should know to be a better defender.

Types of Defensive Techniques:

Stance- The defensive stance requires you to stand in an athletic stance with your feet shoulder width apart. Your toes should face your defender and your knees should be bent slightly. Keep your body low to the ground. This will help you maintain balance. Your eyes should be focused on the defender’s torso so you can use your peripheral vision. Keep your arms up and out. Do not play defense with your hands down.

Movement- Every basketball player knows what the defensive slide is. But just in case, I will explain. The slide is a movement used by ballers when playing defense. It requires the defender to be in the defensive stance but moving (sliding) with an offensive player. The defensive player should not cross their feet. It is a focused movement that helps the defender be wider and lower to the ground to allow them to react to the offensive player’s movement.

It is important to slide in front of your defender to push them into whatever direction you want them to go. If you lose your player SPRINT to them (while trying to stay in front of them) to catch up and then you can slide again. The defensive slide helps you have a wider base that your opponent must go through to get open and it keeps you in a good position to counter their actions.

Shot block- Blocking the shot in basketball is when the defender gets a hand on the ball as or after it has been shot and denying it from reaching the basket.

Contesting the shot- Contesting a shot is when a defender takes an action to disrupt a shooter from scoring. Defenders can do this by putting up a hand in an attempt to block or disrupt the shooter during the shooting action. This is an important defensive technique. Every defender should contest every shot their opponent shoots. A simple hand in the shooter’s face increases the pressure and decreases their chance of making the shot. A defender who contests every shot shows how active they are as a defender and that they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it harder for the offense.

Steal- A steal in basketball can happen anytime a defender forces a turnover while the ball is actively in possession of the offensive team. This can happen in a number of ways. A defender can steal the basketball from an offensive member by using simple active defensive skills. A quick defender can anticipate a pass and steal the basketball while it is being passed.

Close-out- The close out is when the defender sprints and uses several short choppy steps with hands up high to “contest” the shot. This is to discourage the offensive player from shooting or to at least increase pressure on the shooter.

Rebound- Rebounding the basketball can happen on offense or defense. This is the act of retrieving the ball after a missed shot.

Box out- Boxing our blocking out can be done on offense or defense. Every player on both offense and defense should block out each and every time the ball is shot. This is a critical technique that not every player wants to do. In fact, I would say most youth players do not actively box out–its just not glamorous. The art of boxing out is to get in front of the opposing team’s player to put them at a disadvantage and increase your chances of getting the rebound.

Deflection- A deflection is when a defender gets a piece of the basketball while it is in possession of an offensive player which results in them losing control of the basketball. This typically results in a loose ball and places both teams in a position to hurry up and recover possession.

Types of Defensive Skills-

Speed- Speed is a critical skill for basketball players to have at all levels. Players will need to sprint back and forth on a basketball court to set up on defense or run lanes on offense for a fast break.

Agility- Agility is the ability to move and change directions in basketball. Being an agile basketball player is very important. Agility is used in defense and offense. There are so many drills that focus on developing player’s agility and improving these skills will improve many facets of a player’s game.

Hand and eye coordination- Hand and eye coordination is using your hands and your eyes at the same time while being in complete control of the desired action. This is an important skill in basketball.

Common Actions in Defense:

A good defensive team will have a solid strategy to keep the opposing team from scoring. Each player on the team has a specific responsibility depending on the plan. Here are some basic responsibilities broken down by the type of position.

GuardsZone: Typically plays at the top of the zone and is usually the first line of defense. Lacks vision behind them and relies on forwards and centers to communicate screens and cutters.
Man: Regularly guards the quickest and shortest players.
ForwardsZone: Guards the taller players. Must be able to cover the corners and protect the rim. Rebounds
Man: Guards the taller players; rebounds

Man-to-Man Defense:

Man to man defense is probably the most widely known defense. This type of defense can be used by all types of teams, whether they are at the recreation, travel team or middle and high school level. This is the most common type of defense used in the NBA!

Man to man defense should be the first team defensive concept taught to new players. Man to man defense seems like an individual defense but it really requires the entire team to work together.

They say the best man-to-man defense looks like a zone!

Zone Defense:

Zone defense is a team defense that requires each defensive player to focus on their specific zone. Defensive players will shift their position depending on the location of the ball. A zone requires all defensive players to work together to keep the other team from scoring.