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Why Don’t Players Jump On Free Throws?

We have all watched basketball games and very rarely do we see a player jump during a free throw shot. So, why don’t players jump on free throws?

The primary reason basketball players don’t jump during a free throw is because there is just too much risk in accidentally stepping over the line and jumping isn’t necessary. Plus stepping or jumping over the line is a violation. There are other reasons as well.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the reasons basketball players don’t jump during a free throw.

The Purpose of the Free Throw:

Ok, so if you are reading this article you probably know what a free throw is. But I want to make sure you know that all free throws originate from a foul. If an offensive player is fouled it could result in a free throw.

What Is A Free Throw?

A free throw is a chance for an offensive player to shoot a basket after being fouled. The shooter does this on the free throw line which is pretty close to the basket. And most importantly, they shoot the ball with no defender guarding them. 

Free Throw Rules:

There are very few rules dictating how the shooter shoots the free throw. Basically, the shooter can’t step over the free throw line. They can shoot the ball however they want but can’t step over the line.

If the shooter wants to shoot a granny shot they most certainly can. If they want to shoot it one handed, they can! They can also jump as high as they want. But they simply can’t step (or jump) over the line.

Free Throw Shooting:

All basketball players should be good free throw shooters.  To do this, good shooters spend countless hours perfecting their form and execution of the shot. 

Free throw shooting is much like any other distance shooting skill. You must practice and use the same consistent form each and every time.

Since the free throw line is only a short distance from the basket, players are strong enough and don’t need to jump.

What Happens If The Player Jumps During The Free Throw?

It’s perfectly legal to jump during a free throw shot. The problem is where you land. If you step over the line it will be considered a violation.

Why Players Shouldn’t Jump During The Free Throw:

I recommend players work on their shooting form as much as possible. The shooting form for free throws doesn’t require jumping.  And if a player does jump during a free throw it creates the risk of stepping over the line. Jumping is simply not needed during a free throw. 


There are some exceptions to this practice. Some youth players won’t have the strength or training to shoot the ball without jumping and this is ok. 

Most youth leagues will decrease the distance from the hoop to the free throw.  This way the players can shoot without jumping. Another way to prepare your young player is to use the correct basketball hoop height

If your young player is in a league that doesn’t modify the distance, have them step back from the line. This will prevent them from jumping over while still allowing them to jump. 

This is a temporary solution. It is important to work on building your players strength while encouraging good form. But everyone understands that it takes time to build the strength and they may need to jump during free throws until that time. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Free throws are the result of a foul. 
  • Free throws are shots a player takes that are not defended. 
  • Players don’t need to jump because the free throw line is close enough to the basket. 
  • Jumping during a free throw is unnecessary and creates a risk of stepping over the line. 
  • Stepping or jumping over the free throw line is a violation and the free throw point won’t count if you step over the line. 


In summary, basketball players don’t need to jump during a free throw for several reasons. First, most shooters are strong enough to effectively shoot from the free throw line without the need to jump. Secondly, shooters who jump create the unnecessary risk of stepping or jumping over the line. Stepping over the line is a violation and the result can be losing a point. Instead players use a consistent shooting form which involves power coming from their legs without the need to jump. This helps them shoot effectively without the risk of stepping over the line.